WTS 969812011109 Evangelion Wafer Comics Special 2

WTS 969812011109 Evangelion Wafer Comics Special 2
Condition: new, unopened
$5 each for normal (example: Story cards...),  and 
$6 each for rares (example: Characters/SP cards).

WTS 969812011047 Gintama Characters Cards

Whole/total set of 28 cards for Gintama for $120.
$5 each for normal (example: Story cards...),  and 
$6 each for rares (example: Characters/SP cards).

WTS 973212011019 Ikaros - Sora No Otoshimono

WTS 973212011019 Ikaros - Sora No Otoshimono

WTS 969811291829 Aquarian Age Vol. 1 -5 Complete Set

WTS 969811291829
Aquarian Age: Juvenile Orion (オリオンの少年, Orion no Shōnen)Vol. 1 -5 Complete Set w/o Art Box & Key Chains(manga)
Author: Sakurako Gokurakuin
Publisher: Broccoli Books
Grade Level: Young adult
Sixteen year old Mana returns to her hometown to unite with her childhood friend after 7 years. But Kaname seems to have changed during their years apart. Mana's presence sets off a chain of events that changes the lives of Kaname and his best friend Naoya forever. Their classmates Isshin and Tsukasa, and thier teacher Tomonori find themselves drawn to her as well. They soon discover that they are all a part of the Aquarian Age-a secret war raging for thousands of years. Now the fate of the world hangs in the balance as one girl meets her destiny.

Price: $80.00